The first State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium was held in November 2005.  However, SNCURCS owes its beginning to the Triangle Undergraduate Research Symposium (November 2003).  Continue reading to learn more about this annual state-wide tradition of celebrating undergraduate research.

August 2003: A Duke University undergraduate, Ms. Emily Heikamp, with a committee of students and faculty from Duke, NC State and UNC-Chapel Hill, created the first Triangle Undergraduate Research Symposium (TURS) in November of 2003. With funding from the Robertson Scholars Collaboration Fund, Duke University, NC State University and UNC-Chapel Hill, the second TURS event was hosted by Dr. George Barthalmus at NC State University in Raleigh on November 6, 2004. Some 94 students from 10 North Carolina institutions presented their work.

July 2004: TURS organizers met with Dr. Russ Lea, Vice President for Research and Sponsored Programs for UNC-General Administration to discuss the possibility of expanding TURS to a statewide event. UNC-General Administration was supportive of UNC’s involvement and looked to the guidance of the UNC Undergraduate Research Consortium.

November 2004: The Consortium agreed to develop an annual statewide symposium for state and private colleges.

November 2004: The Kenan Institute for Engineering, Technology and Science provided first year funds to pay for rental of the Jane McKimmon Center, food, and abstract books for 400 students and mentors.

November 2005: The first State of NC Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium was held on November 9, 2005, in Raleigh. With 218 oral, poster and artistic presentations and over 450 attendees, including high school students and teachers, it was an enormous success and free to all!

May 2006: The first edition of Explorations, the undergraduate research journal of North Carolina, is published.

November 2006: The second State of NC Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium was held on November 18, 2006, in Raleigh.

November 2007: The third State of NC Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium was held on November 17, 2007, in Greensboro, co-hosted by UNC-Greensboro and Elon University.

November 2008: The fourth State of NC Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium was held on November 22, 2008, in Boone, hosted by Appalachian State University.

November 2009: The fifth State of NC Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium was held November 21, 2009, in Wilmington, hosted by UNC-Wilmington.

November 2010: The sixth State of NC Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium was held on November 20, 2010, in Raleigh, hosted by Meredith College.

November 2011: The seventh State of NC Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium was held on November 19, 2011, in Greenville, hosted by East Carolina University in memory of Dr.George Barthalmus, who passed away in May of 2011. George was the founder of SNCURCS and the main driving force in its success.

November 2012: The eighth State of NC Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium was held November 17, 2012, in Durham, hosted by Duke University.

November 2013: The ninth State of NC Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium was  held jointly with the North Carolina Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (NC-LSAMP) on November 16, 2013, in Charlotte, hosted by the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

November 2014:
The tenth State of NC Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium was held on November 22, 2014, in Raleigh, hosted by North Carolina State University.

November 2015:
The eleventh State of NC Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium was held on November 14, 2015, in High Point, hosted by High Point University.

November 2016:
The twelfth State of NC Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium was hosted by North Carolina Central University in Durham, NC, on November 5, 2016.

November 2017:
The thirteenth State of NC Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium was hosted by Campbell University, on November 4, 2017.

November 2018:
The fourteenth State of NC Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium hosted by NC State University in Raleigh, NC, on November 10, 2018.

November 2019:
The fifteenth State of NC Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium hosted by NCSSM and Duke University in Durham, NC on November 23, 2019.

November 2020: 
The sixteenth State of NC Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium hosted by East Carolina University and Elizabeth City State University virtually on November 72020. 

November 2021:
The seventeenth State of NC Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium hosted by Elon University, Catawba College, and Livingstone College on November 13, 2021.

December 2022:
The eighteenth State of NC Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium hosted by the University of North Carolina Wilmington on December 3, 2022.

December 2023:
The nineteenth State of NC Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium hosted by Wingate University and South Piedmont Community College on November 11, 2023.

December 2024:
The twentieth State of NC Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium hosted by Central Piedmont Community College, East Carolina University, Elon University, Forsyth Technical Community College, High Point University, NC School of Science and Mathematics, NC State University, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and Winston-Salem State University from December 4-17, 2024.