Barthalmus Awards



Dr. George T. Barthalmus was the driving force behind the creation of the State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium. He had a passion for encouraging undergraduates to pursue their interests through the process of research, be it in the sciences, humanities, or through artistic expression. He was an advocate for early involvement of students in the research process as a way to engage and retain students in academics. To this end, the George Barthalmus Undergraduate Research Awards have been developed to promote early involvement in the research process through support of sophomores in a research project of their design. These awards are designed to assist students with development and engagement in undergraduate research. Students from all disciplines are invited to apply for the awards.


  • Applicants must be sophomores in good standing at any North Carolina college or university
  • Students must be U.S. Citizens.
  • Ability to present at SNCURCS the following year.
  • Applicants must plan to be enrolled next academic year.


  • Proposals will be reviewed by faculty familiar with the field of study (discipline), and recommendations for funding will be considered by a committee appointed by the SNCURCS advisory board.
  • Students will be notified via email approximately 1 week prior to SNCURCS.
  • Awards will be mailed as checks to the recipients. Awards will not go to the home institution/PI.
  • Award recipients will be announced online and at the SNCURCS event.
  • The maximum award is $500.
  • Research awards are for research or creative endeavor to be carried out between Fall 2022 and Spring/Summer 2023.
  • The faculty sponsor/mentor is responsible for ensuring participation in the following year SNCURCS.
  • No faculty sponsor/mentor can sponsor more than one applicant in any one year.


Application Materials:

Barthalmus Research Award Proposal Packet

  • Download packet and open in Adobe.
  • Do NOT print or try and complete within the web browser.


Applicants must include the following:

From the student: One copy of…
      • The proposal cover sheet with all appropriate signatures.
      • A narrative description of the research and its importance to the student’s future plans. This should include an introduction with a clear statement of purpose, a description of methods and materials, a timeline for the work, and a list of pertinent references. The complete document should be no longer than three typed, double-spaced pages.
      • A one-page budget summary. Itemize as specifically as possible; no miscellaneous line items, please! The budget should be comprehensive; however, since typical awards will be in the $100-$500 range, projects requiring more funding than this should include a short statement that indicates source(s) from which additional funding will be sought (e.g. institution cost-sharing, another grant, etc.) These awards are intended to cover materials, supplies and travel directly associated with conducting research. The awards are not intended to be used as stipend/salary or to present research.
From the faculty sponsor/mentor:
  • Any research requiring special permits or approvals (e.g. human or animal use, euthanasia, banding, etc.) should clearly state that those permits will be, or are, in hand. Individuals and the institution are responsible for obtaining all appropriate permits and approvals.
  • All application materials should be
    Emailed to the Office of Undergraduate Research at NC State University ( as a single PDF

    Mailed to the Office of Undergraduate Research at NC State University
    George T. Barthalmus Research Awards
    c/o Barthalmus Committee
    Office of Undergraduate Research
    NC State University
    Campus Box 7576
    Raleigh, NC 27695-7576
  • The deadline for receipt of all application materials is TBD, 2024.
  • Recipients will be notified of awards by TBD 2024.
  • Recipients must indicate their acceptance of the research award by TBD 2024, in order to be recognized in the State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium Abstract Book.

2022 Barthalmus UGR Award Flier